weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j93py69 wrote
Reply to 11 cop cars just went racing down route one north towards Edison from North Brunswick. At 7 PM at night. by kanshakudama
Time to rob a bank.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j8uh2r9 wrote
Reply to comment by tony_boxacannoli in Is RealID a replacement for State ID/License? by skhope
No. International still requires a passport.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j86dlgb wrote
A friend of mine does fishing tournaments at Candlewood Lake.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j6n5dge wrote
Reply to comment by nesbett in In light of Biden announcing funding for the Hudson tunnels, let’s not forget Chris Christie canceled the original project which would have been done by now and cost half as much. by Flashinglights0101
Exactly. There were projections that it would be triple and possibly quadruple what the initial estimates were.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j6jz2it wrote
Reply to Anyone else deal with the reckless biker group on the central portion of the GSP today? by Primary_Curve_9035
Typical pkwy behavior. I had a young lady just start coming into my lane and wouldn't stop. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. This was NB at about 2. It's gotten so bad on the pkwy I'm debating using backroads for now on.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j61mezy wrote
Reply to comment by Jumpy-Natural4868 in What can I do about a nuisance light? by [deleted]
Even better he may be able to assist.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j61fjsn wrote
Reply to What can I do about a nuisance light? by [deleted]
Rent a large search light and aim it at the parking lot when they have their meetings. Do this for every single meeting until they relent and compromise.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5whohw wrote
Reply to comment by HeyItsPanda69 in NJ Transit Round Trip Ticket by Mission-Persimmon664
My bad. I stopped taking the bus 3 years ago and the tickets had an expiration date on them back then. I guess they changed since then.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5vj6hi wrote
Reply to NJ Transit Round Trip Ticket by Mission-Persimmon664
The expiration date is printed on the ticket.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5tppnn wrote
Reply to comment by Special_FX_B in American dream mall $5 parking by Slut4wendysnuggets
A lot of people seem to agree as there are tons of vacant storefronts in that mall.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5tpgx4 wrote
You need to surrender them to any DMV.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5q0r5n wrote
Reply to Pictured is the router which sent the 1st internet connection from NYC to Tokyo. These were sold out of a basement office of a home in Rahway NJ. It's signed by everyone who worked for Cisco Systems in 1989. It was given to my dad when he retired in 1999 for his work in establishing the internet. by TriggerTough
That's really cool. Should be in the Smithsonian.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5gbzn1 wrote
Reply to comment by fuzzy_dunlop_221 in I'm leaving New Jersey for one reason: The Litter by [deleted]
Have you ever met someone who received a summons for littering? I haven't. Harsh fines won't do it. Just start nailing people for it. Word will get around.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j49fxx7 wrote
Reply to comment by LearnByDoing in Do I need to pay taxes when I receive a life insurance payout? by ThrowawayWillRI
Worked in life insurance for many years. No tax on proceeds. You may receive a 1099 for any interest paid on the proceeds if they exceed 10 bucks.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j467u5p wrote
Reply to Egg everything bagel, egg, bacon, onions, jalapeños, salt, pepper, ketchup. My go-to. What about you guys ? by New_Day_4423
Toasted poppy slathered in butter, over easy egg, taylor ham and American cheese salt and pepper. You know it's perfect when you bite into it and warm butter with a bit of yolk dribbles out the corner of your mouth.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j2fo0zo wrote
Reply to comment by Inner_Negotiation66 in No better breakfast to end the year! by JZstrng
You should try the Taylor Ham. Much better IMO.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j2dprct wrote
Reply to NJ MVC Rude and condescending by Pretend_Selection334
NJ here and I have to say that the Oakland office is pretty decent. Just make sure you follow the rules and fill your paperwork out correctly and your golden.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j2bhzt1 wrote
Reply to comment by johnnyarr in Pizza in or near Wayne by Ckc1972
Agreed but I don't get their mussels I hit Pizza Man for those.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j2b3qw0 wrote
Reply to Pizza in or near Wayne by Ckc1972
V&J in Pompton Plains makes an excellent pie. Their Sicilian is off the charts good.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j24c0g4 wrote
Reply to comment by HobokenRedDevils18 in French Restaurant Recommendations by Fulline
Good but a little pricy. Desserts were meh.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j23wc8k wrote
Reply to Whale-watching tours off NJ coast in Jan? by GuyNBlack
There are whale watching tours in Cape May but I'm not sure when they run. There are seal tours coming up this January though.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j21qd6q wrote
Lincoln Park is a nice town and pretty diverse. Good access to highways (Rt 23, Rt 80 and 287). There are 2 train stops in Lincoln Park. Technically the stop in Mt View may is considered Wayne but right on the border. There is also a major park and ride (Wayne Transit Center) with bus trips to Port Authority as quick as 35 minutes. As mentioned in other comments it does flood is some areas so use caution.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j1zin2o wrote
Reply to Anyone know what's going on on 691 west? Boat doesn't seem to be moving. All I know it's some kind of serious accident further down. by Jun72386
Boats usually only move well in water.
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j0raanm wrote
Reply to On this date in 1787, the great state of New Jersey became the 3rd state to ratify the Constitution. Fun fact: States are given two senators in the US Senate thanks to William Patterson’s New Jersey Plan, where less populous states opposed giving control of the government to more populous states by rollotomasi07071
weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j97b90t wrote
Reply to hey guys. taking a lady out tomorrow. going to nyc. what's somerhing extravagant we can go to withing 200 dollars for both of us? by OpportunityKnown2
NYC? A couple beers and you're done.