weelittlewillie t1_iud1lxx wrote
Reply to LPT If you’re working in chrome with a ton of tabs open and you accidentally close it, you can open chrome again and press Ctrl+Shift+t to open them again as they were. by Jzerious
Rather than reopening the clutter, open then do cmd+y to get a new tab with your history in it. Only open what is needed. Works in Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Safari.
Less useless noise in the tabs, more useful since it works in almost all browsers.
weelittlewillie t1_ixuos3h wrote
Reply to LPT: If your microwave dies, donate the glass tray before throwing out the appliance. Someone has broken theirs and will love finding it at a thrift store. by pioneertele
Anyone else read this and think it wasn't a LPT as much as "something unique happened to me and maybe it can happen to you too!"
No one is winning at life by donating a hyper specific item to Goodwill.