welcomebackjelly t1_jebzo4l wrote
Reply to The NY grand jury has just voted to indict Trump. Do you think CT will see any domestic terrorism from his supporters? by DavidDVDdivaD
No. Stop fear-mongering please
welcomebackjelly t1_je9s16r wrote
Reply to CT is paying criminals $500/mo by Justinontheinternet
Criminals made their decision when they committed a crime. I’d rather see this money go towards those who actually contribute to society. The convicts can rot
welcomebackjelly t1_jdqxpkt wrote
My summer cars come out in early June, or after enough rain to get the salt off the roads
welcomebackjelly t1_jdg0ivw wrote
Reply to Late night drives by arrowschmarrow
Fairfield county
welcomebackjelly t1_jd85jb9 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Ant9517 in Toll Brothers and Harris Realty Announce Joint Venture to Develop 393-Unit Luxury Rental Community in Norwalk by jr_reddit
Luxury actually does have standards for construction, it’s anything above builder grade. The reason we have so many luxury apartments is that you can’t charge high enough rent on builder grade build outs to make a profit
welcomebackjelly t1_jb1qha1 wrote
Reply to Places to watch the sunset in your car? by SharkFinn100
Any beach in ffc
welcomebackjelly t1_jay77w6 wrote
Reply to comment by mkt853 in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
I said same natural amenities and different cultures did I not? Edit: while we’re on the subject, SC remains one of the few souther states to have upheld abortion rights. The headlines claiming they want to execute women are predominantly clickbait and all stem from one attempted bill that has been blocked by the state Supreme Court every time it’s been proposed.
welcomebackjelly t1_jaxrdcp wrote
Reply to comment by jay1982k in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
Well I mean yea but you’re cherry picking the best part of the state, I’m on the coast and it’s heavenly, but I’d argue that upstate South Carolina is nicer than upstate Connecticut. The inverse of your argument would be like comparing Charleston to Waterbury
welcomebackjelly t1_jax0b0l wrote
Reply to comment by jay1982k in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
I’m confused on what you’re trying to say?
welcomebackjelly t1_jawqe16 wrote
Reply to comment by jay1982k in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
You have to go miles to see anything in ct unless you live on the coast, we dealt with a serious opioid epidemic not long ago. I love Ct it’s my favorite state but let’s not throw rocks from a glass house
welcomebackjelly t1_jawo11o wrote
Reply to comment by FuckSteveMills in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
South Carolina also has basically everything ct has. I’ve spent a lot of time there for work and was very surprised how similar they are as far as natural amenities go. Just different cultures
welcomebackjelly t1_jaw6b02 wrote
Reply to comment by FuckSteveMills in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
I mean I love it here but I’ve lived in all sorts of states and loved them all. Great parts to every state. I raised my kids here, and I’ve been spending more and more time at my other houses. Not sure how much longer I’ll keep my ct house
welcomebackjelly t1_jaw4174 wrote
Reply to comment by FuckSteveMills in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
Haha if you suggest that there are other states to live in that aren’t CT, all hell breaks loose
welcomebackjelly t1_j9vc7gv wrote
In inn at longshore in Westport us stunning. When I have family come visit I always put them up there and they love it.
welcomebackjelly t1_j9u930q wrote
Reply to I want to make a “Connecticut subreddit” starter pack meme to sum up the posts here - what should I include? by [deleted]
People complaining about not being able to afford to live in the wealthiest county in the country when they work at McDonald’s
welcomebackjelly t1_j9u8rq6 wrote
Reply to comment by jules13131382 in The little things in CT by DreadnoughtPoo
It’s economic segregation not racial segregation. Go to a poorer state and all the colors live together because every neighborhood is affordable. I wouldn’t really call this a CT issue, I’d call it a byproduct of a wealthy state
welcomebackjelly t1_j6ogino wrote
Reply to comment by bbpr120 in Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
That’s too bad, push-ups never hurt anyone
welcomebackjelly t1_j6nybg5 wrote
Reply to Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
Lol this may sound crazy but it seems like a more effective punishment would be to make the kids run sprints or do push-ups or something. That way you take away the socialization as punishment, but still allow them to get exercise and blow off steam.
welcomebackjelly t1_j6ib45u wrote
Reply to Rent or buy in Fairfield County, CT? by emalways
You aren’t buying anything good near Greenwich with 500k. Triple that and maybe you’ll find something half way decent.
welcomebackjelly t1_j6i3mkn wrote
Reply to comment by AvogadrosMoleSauce in House Bill to improve road safety. Testimony starts at 9am Monday, January 30th by rubyslippers3x
Read a law text book dumb ass
welcomebackjelly t1_j6i3gc4 wrote
Reply to House Bill to improve road safety. Testimony starts at 9am Monday, January 30th by rubyslippers3x
Can’t believe anyone in CT could be pro eminent domain after Kelo
welcomebackjelly t1_j6g7bes wrote
Reply to Looking for a travel business/startup advice by oozle
Talk to a lawyer dude. You need serious protection for a start up like this. Something Reddit can’t provide
welcomebackjelly t1_j6bucxs wrote
Reply to Hoping to get some help on rent laws by From_My_Brain
If he lets her sign that lease he is the worst land lord ever and will likely lose the sale.
welcomebackjelly t1_j643icg wrote
Reply to Are there any hats similar to a cowboy hat that I can wear in the northeastern US without looking weird? by Thro-it-a-way
I wore a cowboy hat in my younger years living in Louisiana. When I moved back up here for work I began wearing flat caps, keep your head warm and looks cool too
welcomebackjelly t1_jegro3q wrote
Reply to Moving to coastal town in CT by murrybo