whatdatsmelllike t1_j8xpk74 wrote
Reply to comment by dz1087 in Trump’s nutsack by dz1087
Whatever cool guy. You're just mad because you got called out. Enjoy your fake internet points.
whatdatsmelllike t1_j8x9ysw wrote
Reply to comment by dz1087 in Trump’s nutsack by dz1087
You know that's not true. You would be down voted to oblivion. Grow up loser.
whatdatsmelllike t1_j8uwzo8 wrote
Reply to comment by dz1087 in Trump’s nutsack by dz1087
Chasing that Trump hating Karma. That's how. Grow up
whatdatsmelllike t1_j8twqw5 wrote
Reply to Trump’s nutsack by dz1087
Karma whoring looks bad on you.
whatdatsmelllike t1_j99cv02 wrote
Reply to My wife and I have been together 24 years today by DustOneLV
I give it a year