whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91bsft wrote
Reply to comment by brycebgood in I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
When social media gives someone salmonella, then come back and request regulation.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91bq1l wrote
Reply to comment by skolioban in I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
So you'd be totally fine with the Trump administration regulating how social media companies operate?
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91bj4h wrote
Reply to comment by Hrmbee in I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
"Algorithmic bias" research is mostly trash. The more rigorous of it just pretends statisticians haven't been working on sample adjustment and balancing for causal inference for literally generations, and the less rigorous simply insists that we should ignore that things are not equally and identically distributed across population subgroups.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91bcam wrote
Reply to I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
"Someone I don't like bought the company I worked for, so government should come in and tell him how to run his company"
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91b6rf wrote
Reply to comment by meelawsh in I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
Considering that Twitter is still working fine I'd say it's safe to assume the best and the brightest Twitter employees are still there.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j8sas0i wrote
With larger dots and labels (state abbreviations) this would be more interpretable.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j7wbxwe wrote
Data Sources:
I collected membership numbers for the major subreddits for each programming language. TIOBE index is here: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
R, ggplot
Note I logged both scales due to the distributions.
Submitted by whatweshouldcallyou t3_10y6stf in dataisbeautiful
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j7rlow6 wrote
Reply to [OC] Michael Jordan Would've Been All-time Leading Scorer 2.5 Seasons Faster Than LeBron if He Didn't Have a Gambling Problem by dcd4408
MJ did not keep himself in shape the same way that LeBron has. So while MJ surely would be much closer, I do not believe it is likely that he would have eclipsed Kareem.
I applied your effort, OP, but without a negative second derivative this presents an unrealistic expectation of extending careers.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j7bfbq5 wrote
Reply to comment by marketrent in Nigeria asks social media giants to curb fake news ahead of election by marketrent
Corrupt government wants to control information flow and will totally not abuse it to suppress dissent.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j72tjgd wrote
Reply to comment by patienceisfun2018 in [OC] Three Latin American countries are among the 5 most unequal on Earth. More so than so-called Gulf states and even Russia with its oligarchs. by latinometrics
The gang leaders declined to provide estimates of their income.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j6z3j2f wrote
Reply to comment by SlayerOfDougs in [OC] The National Vice(s): Drinking and Smoking Rates by Country by whatweshouldcallyou
Fair point. Regions can be tricky. I used the region variable from the countrycodes::codelist.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j6z2lvv wrote
Data: World Bank Data through WDI package
Tools: R, ggplot
Submitted by whatweshouldcallyou t3_10s2l7g in dataisbeautiful
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j6d5cob wrote
Reply to comment by Enola_Gay_B29 in [OC] Longer Living Through Pharmacology: Life Expectancy vs. Pharmacists Per Capita, by Country by whatweshouldcallyou
Categories came from the data.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j6cvla2 wrote
Reply to [OC] Longer Living Through Pharmacology: Life Expectancy vs. Pharmacists Per Capita, by Country by whatweshouldcallyou
Data: World Bank Data for Life Expectancy. For Pharmacists Per Capita: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/pharmacists_per_1000_people/
Tools: R, ggplot
Note: Relationship holds in panel model controlling for GDP Per Capita, with both fixed and random effects
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j24lejo wrote
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j1rsvj8 wrote
Reply to comment by cosmicowl_h in [OC] Yeah Science! Scientific Output vs. National Wealth by whatweshouldcallyou
Sure, go ahead.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j1elaii wrote
Reply to comment by porsche_radish in [OC] Yeah Science! Scientific Output vs. National Wealth by whatweshouldcallyou
Yeah I do agree that there is overfit both for Europe around the point that you specify as well as for the Americas. Oceania and Asia fit quite nicely.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j1e9c0l wrote
Reply to comment by porsche_radish in [OC] Yeah Science! Scientific Output vs. National Wealth by whatweshouldcallyou
Linear Model without region effects: R2 ~ 50%
Linear Model with region effects: ~ 63%
With random slope: ~ 70%
Polynomial model with random intercept: ~ 71%
Polynomial model with random intercept & random slope: ~ 74%
So...maybe worth it.
whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j1dzhe6 wrote
Reply to comment by porsche_radish in [OC] Yeah Science! Scientific Output vs. National Wealth by whatweshouldcallyou
Used GAM since the relationship is nonlinear.
whatweshouldcallyou t1_j91qp4k wrote
Reply to comment by meelawsh in I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
Because Twitter never had outages before.