
whiskey_jones t1_jdtwk6k wrote

I thought this might be a lot of fun if it were done right, and I'm hearing very good things about it, including from a good friend of mine. Looking forward to seeing it now.


whiskey_jones t1_iy76jp2 wrote

I liked The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, even though I understand why most other people don't. To me, they took the story to a logical conclusion.

Suicide Squad (2016) was panned to hell and back by critics, and even though few would admit it now, most liked it at the time, as evidenced by the good audience scores and its long legs at the box office (it made $750 million without China and was number 1 for three weeks in a row). However, I still think it was a fun film. I even liked Jared Leto's Joker. I found him to be creepy, hilarious and fascinating.

The same is even more true for one of my favorites, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Now, let me preface this by saying that I greatly prefer the Ultimate Edition here. The studio forced him to butcher the theatrical release, but even then, I still loved the film, despite its flaws. The Ultimate Edition fixed those flaws and then some for me, but the biggest reason I love this movie is that it gave me my three favorite heroes on the big screen for the first time. It made me feel like a little kid again, and I will forever be grateful to Zack Snyder for that. All the "Martha" jokes in the world cannot budge me on this one bit.


whiskey_jones t1_iy74x08 wrote

It can't be worse than the Disney remake, and it will likely be a lot better. The Disney remake missed the point of the original entirely. Pinocchio wasn't even bad in that film. He was just naive. It felt like Robert Zemeckis turned him into Forrest Gump.