whys0brave t1_ixq3q73 wrote
Everybody knows that no one who is smart, stable, and successful smokes. When you see someone smoking you automatically know that they are struggling. Smokers are not stable in their life. Smokers are not happy in their life. Smoking is self destructive and only appeals to people who cannot comprehend how to cope with life otherwise. Smoking is a huge red flag. People who smoke are undesirable to those who do not. People who smoke are inconsiderate of others as that toxic poison pollutes the air and the streets causing harm to the innocent humans and animals and fish. Smoking is something that people do because at some point they were weak enough to try, despite knowing how horrible and unbeneficial it is, and now they are too weak to stop. Smoking exposes weaknesses. Smoking displays a lack of control over one's own life. Choosing to pay money to those companies is choosing to fund the world's greatest evils. People may not always be honest enough to say it out loud but most people who do not smoke have absolutely have no respect for those who do.
whys0brave t1_iwyw9e7 wrote
Religion is the largest source of evil and hatred on the planet.
whys0brave t1_iwyvlc4 wrote
Ew gross
whys0brave t1_iwpyuxb wrote
Always have had good experience with VFCU
whys0brave t1_ixrow1t wrote
Reply to comment by sharaq in [WP] You are a teenager in a DARE add. Convince me to stop smoking. by UFOSAREA51
No use being mad at the truth