
wildadragon t1_iyemkhp wrote

Reply to Help please by [deleted]

Maybe they got your password, needed you to log out so they could log in then change the password and email associated with it.


wildadragon t1_iyd4hcq wrote

A woman is an adult human female. So no women doesn't mean no milk.

No females which would include animals would be no natural milk.

However now we have oat milk, almond milk, etc. So this still wouldn't be a correct or true showerthought.


wildadragon t1_iy21pgp wrote

How is that white privilege? The nutcracker figurine was created in Sonneberg and Ezerberge regions of eastern Germany in the early 19th century, then commercially in 1872 by Wilhelm Fuchtner.


wildadragon t1_iy1kcvs wrote

That varies based on your location and what you put on your W4 form. This is just to calculate your yearly so you can see if a raise or offers somewhere else are better or worse.


wildadragon t1_ixxvn2k wrote

I would assume so because

In 1998, over 120 letters that Pynchon had written to his longtime agent, Candida Donadio, were donated by the family of a private collector, Carter Burden, to the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City. The letters ranged from 1963 to 1982, thus covering some of the author's most creative and prolific years. Although the Morgan Library originally intended to allow scholars to view the letters, at Pynchon's request the Burden family and Morgan Library agreed to seal these letters until after Pynchon's death.

So when he dies they'd release them.
