wonderfulworld99 t1_jacascx wrote
Reply to Yikes, the U.S. is Now Using Facial Recognition Rigged Drones for Special Ops: If you're on America's shit list, bad news: a flying robot that can recognize your face may soon be coming after you. by Tough_Gadfly
Terminator level shit. It was bound to happen.
wonderfulworld99 t1_j919ves wrote
Reply to Lobbyist working for Apple and others managed to rewrite NY Right to Repair law. by SUPRVLLAN
With current technology why do we need politicians that can be bough to make these kinds of decisions? There should already be some form of implementation that allows everyone to vote and decide if we want Apple to ditch a perfectly working MacBook that just needs a $3 component to be changed and force you to buy a new one, or if we want to pay the $50 repair fee and keep going.
wonderfulworld99 t1_j80wrcz wrote
Reply to Millions of passwords stolen from LastPass earlier than company disclosed: Report by BasedSweet
LastPass won't last, everyone will give it a pass. Self fulfilling prophecy name.
wonderfulworld99 t1_jecak93 wrote
Reply to Senator Warner’s RESTRICT Act Is Designed To Create The Great Firewall Of America by vriska1
Firewall? Not even the most despotic tyranny have had such power as the one the government will get with this bill. Bye bye all freedoms.