woodcider t1_ixnazzd wrote
Reply to comment by FoxyInTheSnow in Times Square Margaritaville left synagogue ‘homeless,’ suit says - Jewish Telegraphic Agency by ShinyGodzilla
I hate you but I upvoted you.
woodcider t1_iwddyth wrote
Reply to comment by NYMNYJNYKNYR in I’m in the middle of a mental health crisis. I’ve called a bunch of places and I’ve yet to hear from them. Please help me get services/reach someone soon. by Ok-Elderberry-3704
I second Institute for Family Health. I use them for all my healthcare needs.
woodcider t1_ivxe0dc wrote
Reply to comment by harlemtechie in Comparison of votes in the governor election by NYC Districts 2022 vs. 2018 by shamansufi
Train Daddy was the best thing to happen to the MTA in over 50 years.
woodcider t1_ivxc6g3 wrote
Reply to comment by harlemtechie in Comparison of votes in the governor election by NYC Districts 2022 vs. 2018 by shamansufi
I was fine with Cuomo and his outsized ego until he ran off Andy Byford by micro-managing him to the point he couldn't do his job. I'll never forgive him for that.
woodcider t1_ivtitff wrote
Reply to comment by AffectionateSignal25 in Comparison of votes in the governor election by NYC Districts 2022 vs. 2018 by shamansufi
Cuomo was a Democrat In Name Only so it wasn’t much of a reach for conservatives to vote for him.
woodcider t1_ivtimhm wrote
Reply to comment by DwasTV in Comparison of votes in the governor election by NYC Districts 2022 vs. 2018 by shamansufi
Cuomo was a DINO.
woodcider t1_ivgynbj wrote
Reply to comment by nlsnpgr84 in Pink Prada bag found with everything inside. by ModelloVirus
Ha! I found a wallet on the train and gave it to a cop. The face he made. It was like I ruined his whole day. Now I wonder if the person ever got it back. I would have been better off throwing it into a mailbox.
Now that mailboxes only have narrow slits, I’m not sure what’s the best way to do it.
woodcider t1_iuhbgxs wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Pie_153 in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
It’s not an either/or. This is why it’s stupid to politicize non-political things.
woodcider t1_iuh9u1v wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Pie_153 in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
You have no proof that those three measly people were leftists. Just stop with the silliness.
woodcider t1_iuh3cee wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished_Pie_153 in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
You have no proof of leftist not liking e-bikes. You’re pulling this entire argument out of your ass.
woodcider t1_iuh2zfq wrote
Reply to comment by Nef_Fets in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
Why am I surprised that someone managed to be stupidly racist in the comments?
woodcider t1_itoz6wj wrote
Reply to comment by Riccma02 in Do you guys think this could be possible one day? Rebuild Penn Station by Positive_Pinaple
There are definitely machines that could carve Corinthian capitals.
woodcider t1_itewzcy wrote
Reply to comment by pichael288 in My local store just started selling these large sewing kits by caniborrow50cents
I do. I just sewed a button back onto my pajamas.
woodcider t1_it3hc1q wrote
Reply to comment by Bralesslover in MTA Bus Driver dragged me while my hand was caught between the door. by EndDeed
I came from driving coaches at Greyhound so the first time I got on the RTS I asked the instructor, “How in the hell am I supposed to see anything?!?” I was flabbergasted.
woodcider t1_it3gr8e wrote
Reply to comment by Xendarq in MTA Bus Driver dragged me while my hand was caught between the door. by EndDeed
A “Swing” is the meal break. I could barely walk up the stairs to the swing room. The human body is just not designed to sit in a chair doing repetitive motions for hours on end.
woodcider t1_it17yj6 wrote
Reply to comment by kd10023 in MTA Bus Driver dragged me while my hand was caught between the door. by EndDeed
I worked Greyhound before coming to Transit. Being on call sucks ass. I was called in on my 8s every day so subtracting my travel time to and from the depot (2 hours there and back), I was getting 4 hours of sleep a day. I was having micro-sleeps while driving. Scared the shit out of me so I quit. Plus the pay wasn’t all that great.
I’m so glad I started driving before GPS was a thing. The union told us that the schedule means nothing… safety first. Now there’s so much pressure to meet these horribly timed schedules with so much discipline. Nothing good ever comes from rushing down the line.
Get out the seat at both ends no matter how “late” (no such thing) you are. Not only is it a safety thing to check the bus but getting out the seat keeps you healthy. I used to go round and round and could barely walk for my swing. My right knee still hurts. I totally jacked it up on those RTSs my first year.
woodcider t1_it15vi9 wrote
Reply to comment by Shiodex in MTA Bus Driver dragged me while my hand was caught between the door. by EndDeed
They put a lot of pressure on trains to keep to the schedule. But the one thing the union should be telling train operators & conductors is fuck the schedule, safety is more important and dare supervision to write anyone up.
woodcider t1_it15n27 wrote
Reply to comment by kd10023 in MTA Bus Driver dragged me while my hand was caught between the door. by EndDeed
During my Greyhound training we were told to live in our mirrors, move around in the seat to make sure you caught all your blind spots (of which there are many). I was trained at MTA on the old RTS’s and all we had on the right side was the inside mirror pointed at the right side windows and a mirror smaller than a dinner plate pointed at the rear tire. That’s why it was so important that no one stood forward of the white line. But if left to their devices, supervision would load you up with passengers standing in the front stairwell.
I’ve heard that a lot of senior instructors have left recently and there’s a serious brain drain at Zerega. This does not bode well for the operators coming up.
woodcider t1_ixoklwv wrote
Reply to comment by GoHuskies1984 in The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Is My Weird Guilty Pleasure by alienmetropolis
I did it without having to wait hours. I got there later than I planned and it was freezing. So many people were leaving fleeing from the cold that I made my way up front before Santa came.