xXKikitoXx OP t1_iuzlao0 wrote
Reply to comment by Nature_Dweller in My Brother Works for a County Sheriff’s Office in Maine, But the Town Doesn’t Exist (Pt.1) by xXKikitoXx
Oh! That’s totally okay! I don’t want you to put yourself in any danger
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iuz9fit wrote
Reply to comment by Nature_Dweller in My Brother Works for a County Sheriff’s Office in Maine, But the Town Doesn’t Exist (Pt.1) by xXKikitoXx
Oh no! Definitely tell me about it it was super weird, who has a longbow these days!
I think you might be right, he really didn’t seem to know what I was talking about either!
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iuw828o wrote
Reply to comment by AnonLimpet in My Brother Works for a County Sheriff’s Office in Maine, But the Town Doesn’t Exist (Pt.1) by xXKikitoXx
He absolutely is! I love him so much!!
Submitted by xXKikitoXx t3_yl2mw3 in nosleep
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iugkszc wrote
Reply to comment by Wishiwashome in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
Sorry, there were parts of the interview I had to cut due to length (word limit to posts) but this was addressed directly. When I say Eric is like a cat I mean he was untrainable, but a better predator while Molly was loyal without question. It seemed one of the main points of argument between the brothers was just that. Nathaniel’s bond was growing too strong, and he wouldn’t allow Eric to be slaughtered for meat no matter how ‘useless’ he became. While Molly’s master granted her gifts to allow her to live youthfully therefore never reaching the point of recycling.
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iufru40 wrote
Reply to comment by tina_marie1018 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
I have a feeling it’ll come back to bite him as well, but maybe it isn’t as easy to kill your own kin as we think..
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iufrq0q wrote
Reply to comment by Mgeek66 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
I know! It was terrifying, but I might try and find another to interview
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iufrl2a wrote
Reply to comment by HHGelatin in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
I think, based on how she responded, the contract with Nathaniel might have been that she wasn’t allowed to tell his brother what happened to them.. and I think she used telling me as a loophole :/
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iufqv5d wrote
Reply to comment by staysoft-geteaten in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
I don’t know, it sounded like they raised them as animals truthfully. I wouldn’t have thought father and son, I would say it was a kin to pet and owner. But, Molly is like a dog and Eric is like a cat?
Submitted by xXKikitoXx t3_yhl2qr in nosleep
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iu3bp4b wrote
Reply to comment by Blu3Jae in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
You make a good point T_T
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iu28dpj wrote
Reply to comment by BuckbeaktheCaique in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
I don’t know, you’d have to ask him
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itzk8jd wrote
Reply to comment by whiskeygambler in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
I think he is underestimated. But I don’t think he broke one of Nathaniel’s commands? Nathaniel commanded him to speak and apologise. Unless you mean another time?
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itz91nv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I Work for a County Sheriff’s Office in Maine - I’ve Been Placed on Unofficial Leave. by xXKikitoXx
Enjoy hahahah
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itz1cj3 wrote
Reply to comment by Clumsy-Samurai in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
Ahaha it’s a pretty common name, what a coincidence though
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itz08r0 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatOneGuy6381 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
If I had any choice in it I wouldn’t. I can’t help but feel as though she’s using me in some way to achieve some end.
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itz06ht wrote
Reply to comment by Mgeek66 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
Who is Charles? Maybe I should interview him as well?
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itymkvz wrote
Reply to comment by Necessary_Shape5973 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
I don't know that we can see the whole picture yet, but I believe Eric is strong enough to overcome as well..
xXKikitoXx OP t1_ityb0wi wrote
Reply to comment by Blu3Jae in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
You have a problem with my journalism? The woman is a monster! Sitting in the room with her is urgg :/ her eyes are dead, creepy. It’s worse when she smiles. Nothing touches a true emotion
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itxkgq6 wrote
Reply to comment by tina_marie1018 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
I have one more interview to do with her, I don't know how it'll go.
I guess he really didn't want to be controlled, it's sad to see how it still ended up..
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itxcy2f wrote
Reply to comment by AnonLimpet in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
He did. I'll bet he was scared.
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itwx2br wrote
Reply to comment by AnonLimpet in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
I mean, I’m not sure he sounds like he’ll accept hugs, but why not try?
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itvderm wrote
Reply to comment by Eino54 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
They’re master manipulators. I wouldn’t put anything past them. I’m sure they would encourage feelings of attachment
xXKikitoXx OP t1_itvcxcf wrote
Reply to comment by Eino54 in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. Update. by xXKikitoXx
And I enjoy reading your thoughts as you go hahaha
xXKikitoXx OP t1_iuzn6qm wrote
Reply to comment by Nature_Dweller in My Brother Works for a County Sheriff’s Office in Maine, But the Town Doesn’t Exist (Pt.1) by xXKikitoXx
I’ll talk to Charles! I’m sure he would love to hear from you ♥︎