
t1_j93lurl wrote

The owner is a wook an absolute douche nozel, don’t support him in anyway. Charges $28 for a cheese pie that’s burnt, runny, and acts like he’s gods gift to earth for moving here from Pennsylvania. His food is overinflated garbage for hipsters.

Also he steals tips from employees and demands you pay a %25 tip for takeout.


t1_j93kh2a wrote

Because 80% of people who own more than 50 acres realistically only use 4 acres for their house, garden, and whatever rec space they may have.

I’m specifically referring to undeveloped woodlands that border public and federal land. It’s such a small and trivial fee that if they cared enough about it they would post their own land. Or at the very least put up several bo hunting signs.


t1_j937vfv wrote

People leaving crap is definitely an issue. I hunted during the last rifle season. the same blind and tree stands were left for over 2 weeks… not once did I see someone it and I started early in the day and would leave early like 2 hours before sundown. Never saw anyone in them.

After the season went back and all of this gear was still just left in the woods. Ended up going into the portable blinds no tags or info. My theory is they got a deer and left since I was two/three miles in the woods.

Needless to say the blind is now sitting in my garage for next season haha


t1_j929yzh wrote

In 8 years of hunting on private and public land in the north east and west portions of the state, I’ve only ever encountered other hunters. It’s not like I’m setting a blind in their backyard. A good portion of posted property is unused and usually skirts public land. if you follow basic courtesy and leave no trace most people will never know you were there to begin with.

If they’re unable to keep it posted or too ill to use their land I see no issues with people doing low impact activities on land they haven’t set foot on in two years.

As for the cost of posted sign you can buy 100 pack for $30. it cost $5 to register your property as posted each year. then you legally have to post signs every 400ft on your property border.


t1_j91td9n wrote

Even if your property is posted if you have cornered/injured game you’re still legally allowed to retrieve it.

How would you feel if your dog escaped ran into my property chasing a rabbit or other small game and I shot it because i viewed it as aggressive?

If you’re so concerned about it repost the land, and set up game cams on your perimeter to catch people trespassing and calmly ask them to not and if they do again you’ll call the police on them for trespassing.

Not really rocket science here.


t1_j91rgco wrote

I had family use bloodhounds for tracking and cornering. Really isn’t that big of a deal, unfortunately you have a group of mentally ill purple haired freaks from out of state that are vehemently against rural culture here.

Even though the dogs not actively attacking the animal more so just barking and corralling these people will swear back and forth that you’re torturing bear cubs or some shit.

Frankly, I think it’s an integral part of our culture up here and also who tf wants to jump in freezing water to retrieve a duck or bird? It’s almost like dog breeds with “Retriever” in its name was bred to bring back game lol


t1_j91p5lx wrote

Absolutely, I was hunting in Alburgh this year and if I saw a faded posted sign that was placed two years ago you bet your ass I’m going to set up a tree stand if it’s prime territory.

Funny thing is it’s not even illegal to do! Has to be posted in regular intervals and you need to update your signs biannually.

The best deterrent really is to use “no hunting or trapping signs”


t1_j863gjd wrote

Hey OP, I think you have some misconceptions about Vermont republicans so as someone whose Voted republican in this state for 6 years let me paint you a picture of my day to day life so you can visualize that we’re not all bad people and are actually quite normal!

I wake up at about 6:30Am, I jump out of bed and salute the nazi flag 7 times. I then proceed to go my cabinet and grab my unfair-trade coffee created by exploiting BIPOC communities in central Africa. It’s those first divine sips that paints a lucid picture of an unwilling child laborer being forced to work 16hours a day. God bless

I hop in my shower and use environmentally unfriendly soaps and conditioners that use micro plastics that are released into our local water supply. Heh cry some more libtards! Step out of the shower making sure to use all the hot water before my wife so she can face the stark cold reality of what us white men face on the daily( we are the most repressed race) I then demand she make me a breakfast of only industrialized farm raised beef and pork. The enviormental impact and the suffering of the animals make me ponder on the successes of what a grand free market country we are.

After some quick banter with the wife and our innumerable belligerent children discussing mainly the positive sides of eugenics, I hop in my Ford F-350 super duty. Dually, Cummins super max engine and no catalytic converter. Straight piped to make as much noise as possible and bully bars in the front to run over climate protestors. Rip the whip going 65 in a 25. Being sure to roll coal on any person with an lgbtqi+ flag on their lawn or cyclist.

Finally get to the job site. Spend my time arguing people on r/politics and shitposting on /pol/ (where the real news is) I then hop back in my truck, crush the obligatory 6pack of miller before I come home.

I walk through the door slightly tipsy. I notice my wife hasn’t taken child #14 to his mandated militia training. I become furious and ask her if she is intentionally trying to turn my beautiful child liberal CUCK!? either way we start throwing hands, but due to my 5’01 frame she quickly overpowers me.

She then cooks me a meal again made of dairy only farmed by illegal migrants. We then proceed to talk about how every problem ever created was solely invented by democrats and George soros.

We put the kids to sleep by playing them Trump Audio clips and then proceed to drift off in our Trump 2024 blanket in the back of our double wide trailer.

Does it make Sense now?


t1_j82he17 wrote

I’m not surprised, we’re in a digital age where impressionable kids are being blasted with rich, beautiful, and successful people. Creating a complete and deep sense of inadequacy.

Meanwhile they’ve lived through a plague and are now facing a crumbling economy, inflation, and WW3. Would you be happy growing up in these circumstances?


t1_j7zelnw wrote

No one’s arguing the legality of setting up a meth lab or SA on your property. Laws absolutely exist for these reasons.

However I think it’s a bit of an overstep to dictate what structures and activities they can do on their property. Sure he should get permits, but if Daniel Banyai was removed from situation and the members opened a sporting club and registered the property as it’s clubhouse would the outrage still be the same? Zoning laws aside they’re completely in their right to discharge firearms and larp as a militia member on their property. Even if they act like complete dicks.

It comes down to the town and the people trying to dictate what a private citizen does on their personal property because they disagree with him and his views.
