yaosio t1_iuz68wp wrote
Oh wow it can write text! Also style transfer is something I've been wishing for, that will make it much easier to get a style you want. The paint by words feature is cool too.
Now will we ever get to use this or will it fall into obscurity as other projects catch up?
yaosio t1_iuz4uo0 wrote
Reply to [N] Class-action lawsuit filed against GitHub, Microsoft, and OpenAI regarding the legality of GitHub Copilot, an AI-using tool for programmers by Wiskkey
There is an argument that co-pilot outputting open source code without credit or the license breaks the license. It will output stuff from open source projects verbatim (I can't find the link, maybe it was in Twitter? I can't back this up.), so this isn't a case where the code is inspired by the code, it really is the code and has to abide by the license.
One solution without messing with co-pilot training or output is to have a second program look at code being generated to see if it's coming from any of the open source projects on gitbub and let the user know so they can abide by the license.
yaosio t1_iuz3b7t wrote
Reply to comment by nomadiclizard in [D] DALL·E to be made available as API, OpenAI to give users full ownership rights to generated images by TiredOldCrow
In the US AI created art can't be covered by copyright so it doesn't matter if you own it, anybody can use it. Expect this to change when Disney uses AI to fully create something and demands copyright law changes.
yaosio t1_iuz1rof wrote
Reply to comment by 24benson in Apis Cor may be America's most advanced 3D printing construction company, yet it is shunned by traditional capital markets; 8 years after being founded, it still relies on crowdfunding websites. by lughnasadh
When all you have is a hammer then everything's a nail. Somebody that knows a lot about 3D printing decided that it will work for everything. I'd like to know how it compares to a factory built house, or a factory built 3D printed house
yaosio t1_iuz19se wrote
Reply to comment by lughnasadh in Apis Cor may be America's most advanced 3D printing construction company, yet it is shunned by traditional capital markets; 8 years after being founded, it still relies on crowdfunding websites. by lughnasadh
My cat claims she's never eaten food before but she's still fat. An independent third party needs to calculate total costs, not the company selling it that swear it's cheaper and you just have to believe them.
yaosio t1_iuz0kq7 wrote
Reply to comment by iFx_ in Apis Cor may be America's most advanced 3D printing construction company, yet it is shunned by traditional capital markets; 8 years after being founded, it still relies on crowdfunding websites. by lughnasadh
Houses need to last a very long time. The plumbing system could last 75+ years, the house could last 100+ years if you keep up with maintence. This means switching to a new technology that turns out to not work as advertised can be a disaster.
There used to be a copper water pipe replacement called polybutylene. It was cheaper and easier to install than copper, but it turned out to have a short lifespan with leaks happening early in it's life. You might not be able to get homeowners insurance if you have these pipes requiring them to be replaced. They started being installed in the 70's but it wasn't until the 90's the problem was discovered. That's 20+ years of what was thought to be a proven technology.
So construction companies, the reputable ones at least, don't want to leap into something new only to find out many years later there's some horrible problem that could not be forseen.
Then there's the "we've always done it that way" people. Even when something is proven they refuse to use it because they have always done something a different way. These are also the people that shake hands with danger because they think it's manly to breath in rock dust and get lung cancer. When you are near a construction site and hear a guitar riff that's somebody that doesn't know what they're doing. https://youtu.be/Mmrs9GYkbqg
yaosio t1_iuqd5ff wrote
Reply to comment by icweenie in Clean air activists condemn 'silent pandemic' of pollution in African cities by darth_nadoma
Solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels, so to say clean energy is expensive would mean dirty energy is even more expensive.
yaosio t1_iui44qx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Google says it's 'very comfortable' with Tensor not winning benchmarks by Hyperion1144
It's the kid saying they were just practicing so it doesn't count.
yaosio t1_iui1qm5 wrote
Reply to comment by minev1128 in People say physical media is dead? Microsoft disagree. by its_muh_username
Gamepass appeals to me. It's cheaper than buying games.
yaosio t1_iu2za10 wrote
Reply to comment by 0xWTC in [R] "Re3: Generating Longer Stories With Recursive Reprompting and Revision" - Generating stories of 2000+ words (or even much longer) by 0xWTC
Diffusion for language models provides more coherent output according to various studies I've found. I'm surprised nobody's talking about it considering all the hype about diffusion for image generators. I guess it's not as cool as it sounds. The paper doesn't compare it to GPT models which should have told me something.
There's also a new method that's even faster than diffusion.
I hope you have good luck on your text generating endeavors!
yaosio t1_iu2ylrs wrote
Reply to comment by j4nds4 in [R] "Re3: Generating Longer Stories With Recursive Reprompting and Revision" - Generating stories of 2000+ words (or even much longer) by 0xWTC
NovelAI does it as well and it doesn't really work that well. Many times it completely ignores entries. However both NovelAI and AI Dungeon have a limited output. This study is on generating 2000+ words without human intervention. I made plenty of stories with both NovelAI and AI Dungeon to know that neither stay on topic and quickly go off the rails. It doesn't matter what model is used, they all go off the rails.
yaosio t1_iu1s5ry wrote
Reply to comment by Due-Ad-7308 in Father, son convicted in assault spurred by Pokemon Go by Sorin61
6 years and things are worse than ever before. The final thread pulled from the tapestry of life was Harambe's death in whatever year that was.
yaosio t1_iu1rypp wrote
Reply to comment by nzodd in Father, son convicted in assault spurred by Pokemon Go by Sorin61
I knew a kid that loved Crusader Kings, Civilization, Europa Universalis, riding around on donkeys while drunk, and the working class. His name? Andrew Ryan.
yaosio t1_ityrt1x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Four years after being acquired by Microsoft, GitHub keeps doing its thing by dadofbimbim
Bad code helps it too. The amount of data used to train a model is far more important than the size of the model. Just shove as much unique data in there as possible.
yaosio t1_itwvo5p wrote
Reply to comment by barrystrawbridgess in After adding 37,000 employees in the last 12 months, Alphabet's CEO said the company will assess future projects 'pretty granularly' as it tries to curb costs by V3r4L4u7aro420
Enjoy this song about mission statements in business. https://youtu.be/GyV_UG60dD4
yaosio t1_iru10rx wrote
Reply to comment by whatTheBumfuck in AI app could diagnose illnesses based on speech : NPR by Gari_305
They just have to see if a person has an active Reddit account for that.
yaosio t1_irkebzs wrote
Reply to We'll build AI to use AI to create AI. by Defiant_Swann
There is no reason to copy the human brain to create AI. There's a lot of extra stuff in there that's not needed. Creativity is being done just fine without copying the brain with stuff like Stable Diffusion. This is yet another "humans are special" article from somebody that can't comprehend humans are not special and the way our brain works is not the only way for intelligence to function.
Given how fast AI can work, once it can create software on it's own without human help we can expect things to move very fast. Think of Copilot but instead of needing a human to hand hold it, you can just tell it what you want and it can code the entire thing from scratch.
yaosio t1_irhc9zo wrote
Reply to comment by BackgroundFeeling707 in [R] Google AudioLM produces amazing quality continuation of voice and piano prompts by valdanylchuk
We will have to wait for somebody else to do an open source version.
yaosio t1_irhc6mf wrote
Reply to comment by aidv in [R] Google AudioLM produces amazing quality continuation of voice and piano prompts by valdanylchuk
When somebody makes something like Copilot that can write code by itself that's going to be really cool.
yaosio t1_irch8j4 wrote
Reply to comment by IntelArtiGen in [R] Google announces Imagen Video, a model that generates videos from text by Erosis
It burns my bread that they are always worried about explicit scenes and violence. If they were producers for Django Unchained they would demand all the violence and bad words be removed.
yaosio t1_iqvqslz wrote
Reply to comment by duffmanhb in Self-Programming Artificial Intelligence Using Code-Generating: a self-programming AI implemented using a code generation model can successfully modify its own source code to improve performance and program sub-models to perform auxiliary tasks. by Schneller-als-Licht
Unless the code is available there's no guarantee it can be replicated. Plenty of people in /r/machinelearning complain about papers that can't be replicated. Sometimes the people writing the paper promise the code and then never provide it and refuse to respond to anybody asking for it.
yaosio t1_iqu95ip wrote
Reply to comment by Dras_Leona in Self-Programming Artificial Intelligence Using Code-Generating: a self-programming AI implemented using a code generation model can successfully modify its own source code to improve performance and program sub-models to perform auxiliary tasks. by Schneller-als-Licht
They mean is there a way for a third party to prove it. They could be cherry picking or just fabricate their results and with no way to reproduce it we wouldn't know.
yaosio t1_iv0xirt wrote
Reply to comment by master3243 in [D] DALL·E to be made available as API, OpenAI to give users full ownership rights to generated images by TiredOldCrow
This is what I found. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ai+created+art+can+not+be+copywritten