yearofthebows24 OP t1_j1yhqf8 wrote
Reply to comment by Kurokotsu in TIFU by forgetting liquids expand when frozen by yearofthebows24
Kickstart, amp, mountain dew energy, theyre all great
yearofthebows24 OP t1_j1xovxb wrote
Reply to comment by AcrobaticSource3 in TIFU by forgetting liquids expand when frozen by yearofthebows24
Hehehe shrinkage
yearofthebows24 t1_j02yj7l wrote
Reply to comment by Tinuviel52 in TIFU by telling my young daughter that she had a feral sister who lived in a cage in the attic. by jesseberdinka
yearofthebows24 t1_iuionfw wrote
Reply to eli5 What is gerrymandering? by Robert-Connorson
Imagine you live in a state with three districts and 30 people, 20 democrats and 10 republicans. Normally, you would expect to have 2 democrats elected and 1 republican because thats representative of your state. Pretty standard statistics and expected values.
However, lets say the governor draws new district lines. He crams 12 of the democrats into one group, and 4 democrats and 5 republicans in the other two. Well now the republicans outnumber the democrats and you get 2 republican representatives and 1 democrat. The representation is now no longer is indicitive of the population.
yearofthebows24 t1_iuaxqyq wrote
These are both so detailed and great! I love the Aloy outfit since Im a bigger fan of Horizon, but theyre both still great
yearofthebows24 t1_jdgeww3 wrote
Reply to TIFU by losing my temper at school by Madeline2535
Yes, you're in the penalty box, but she got what was coming for instigating. As the great comedian Bill Burr once said, "Even hockey gives you 2 for instigating."