yellowstringbean OP t1_j38cc9r wrote
Reply to comment by Salt_Air07 in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Thank you!!! That’s super helpful 🙏🏻
yellowstringbean OP t1_j37qebv wrote
Reply to comment by KevinCarbonara in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Actually, wrong. Definition: run away secretly in order to get married
We are not telling anyone ;)
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36onmc wrote
Reply to comment by RipCityBlaze503 in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
On a trail :) it loops back
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36oixq wrote
Reply to comment by rosesandpiglets in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
I am familiar with rules and leave no trace and am passionate about it being from the PNW. Thank you for stating it kindly and calmly and actually also answering the question :)
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36ocln wrote
Reply to comment by NolNol33 in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Yes that’s what I’m thinking. I went up in 2019 for some Milky Way photos earlier in July and was really disappointed with how little wildflowers were out so I was worried end of July might be too soon still, but must have been the cut off time! Thanks
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36o89g wrote
Reply to comment by descendingdaphne in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Yes, people are assholes, but as I’ve stated they are not flower stomping in the photo they are on trail.
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36o06a wrote
Reply to comment by WesternVineG in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36nyfo wrote
Reply to comment by hooves69 in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
It is such a PNW response comment section lol. I respect the passion as I feel the same way but better ways to phrase and approach it….
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36ntae wrote
Reply to comment by kaylameans89 in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
To be clear, we are doing just us, up in the mountain, with a photographer. No other people other than 2 witnesses
yellowstringbean OP t1_j36nk3t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Actually, it’s a looped trail :)
yellowstringbean OP t1_j35fv2h wrote
Reply to comment by Another_Penguin in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Thanks for tips on July. I’ve gone up in July in the past (10-19th) and never had many wildflowers bloomed yet so was thinking end of July might be too early still
yellowstringbean OP t1_j35frvo wrote
Reply to comment by Another_Penguin in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
I’m not sure why people thought I’d meadow stomp but definitely not. I’m from the area and aware of leave no trace. They’re on a trail in the photos. There’s tons of wildflowers near trails and just want them in the photos in general, don’t plan on ruining them or leaving designated areas!
yellowstringbean OP t1_j35fi8n wrote
Reply to comment by MoiJaimeLesCrepes in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
They’re actually standing on trail :) I grew up in the PNW I’m very familiar with leave no trace, thanks!
yellowstringbean OP t1_j38cttu wrote
Reply to comment by I_think_things in Mt Rainier elopement wildflower question by yellowstringbean
Totally forgot about wta thanks!