My last drink was in June of 2014. I had an unfortunate incident and came very close to losing my life. I decided right then and there that I had consumed my last drink. I am now 51 years old and have several chronic conditions. To be honest with you, I'm so glad I quit. Whenever I feel like taking a drink, I just tell myself that alcohol is no longer for me.
Recent studies have shown that alcohol is just not good for the human body. Not even two drinks a day or a few a week. Try and tell yourself that you are setting up future you for a healthier life. Good luck to you!
yendor4 t1_j6hwba5 wrote
Reply to [text] How to stay motivated when cutting alcohol? by Anonnanon
My last drink was in June of 2014. I had an unfortunate incident and came very close to losing my life. I decided right then and there that I had consumed my last drink. I am now 51 years old and have several chronic conditions. To be honest with you, I'm so glad I quit. Whenever I feel like taking a drink, I just tell myself that alcohol is no longer for me.
Recent studies have shown that alcohol is just not good for the human body. Not even two drinks a day or a few a week. Try and tell yourself that you are setting up future you for a healthier life. Good luck to you!