No one is forcing you to work a job you hate when you’re an at will worker, you can quit at any time.
If there wasn’t a need for delivery you’d be out of a job quickly because there’s no reason for you to get paid to deliver air.
Instead of focusing on the lack of tips, be grateful when you do get it and focus on transitioning from this shitty job to one you like or better yet start a business where you make the rules and demand your worth 👍🏿
yesthatgirlisme t1_j2b48g2 wrote
Reply to [LPT] if you're too broke to tip you're too broke for delivery. You never know what number stiff you will be for that driver... I am on my 10th stiff out of 11 deliveries today. All future stiffs for the day will have their food sitting in front of my AC the whole drive. by productoffallout
No one is forcing you to work a job you hate when you’re an at will worker, you can quit at any time.
If there wasn’t a need for delivery you’d be out of a job quickly because there’s no reason for you to get paid to deliver air.
Instead of focusing on the lack of tips, be grateful when you do get it and focus on transitioning from this shitty job to one you like or better yet start a business where you make the rules and demand your worth 👍🏿