youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7l8y0o wrote
Reply to comment by wutcnbrowndo4u in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
"Paris" includes the suburbs for most people though. It's like saying Brooklyn is not NY city 😂 And La défense has one of the major subway, RER, Transilien hub underground.
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7l1w4c wrote
Reply to comment by Capadvantagetutoring in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Well, we circle back to: compare the price and time it takes to build a line in Paris vs NY...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7l1swc wrote
Reply to comment by Jeff3412 in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Yes, I preemptively rebuke the stupid arguments people make to try to say it's not the same as other systems...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7l09ye wrote
Reply to comment by doughie in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Your link doesn't work. You see that because you only look at the subway inside Paris. Paris has 3 track systems (Metro, RER, Transilien) covering Paris and its suburbs just like NY covers Manhattan and the other borough, except they only have one system which is less efficient. My argument is that we need to stop trying to make excuses about why the maintenance and construction of the NY system is so corrupt, slow, and wasting money because it's SOOOOOOO DIFFERENT when in reality it's not. Your free market argument though is completely accurate, and that's the problem, nothing to do with the age of the system, the mileage, the price of the ticket or the ridership. It's like as soon as you mention how other system manage perfectly fine, people here immediately jump to cover the people who fuck the system because they want to make it sound so exceptional.
Here is a link, and it's from 2011:
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kzjkt wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
I'm tired of those arguments trying to tell me that there's no corruption in the way the MTA budgets and spends and that they are only spending that much because of the rock, the mileage, the shape now apparently.... Believe what you want and refuse to compare to how other countries can maintain and expand a similar system for cheaper and faster...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kz05b wrote
Reply to comment by Capadvantagetutoring in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Miles of track:
- NY Subway 665
- Parisian Subway 141
- Parisian RER 365
- Parisian Transilien 807
Regardless, are you telling us that there's no waste in the construction of the NY system and that its efficiently run?
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kykws wrote
Reply to comment by volkommm in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Stop trying to tell a Parisian who's been living in NY for decades how the Parisian system works 😂 The "facts" you Google are only about the subway inside Paris. That's like Manhattan. Queens, Brooklyn and The Bronx are like the Parisian suburbs, where we have the RER network and the Transilien network going there. Anyone living in the suburbs commutes using these all the time and they're included in the monthly pass. Look it up.
If you want the mileage data:
- Parisian Subway: 365 miles of track
- Parisian RER: 141 miles of track
- Parisian Transilien: 807 miles of track
- NY subway: 665 miles of track
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kwlff wrote
Reply to comment by Capadvantagetutoring in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
The Parisian system covers Paris AND all the suburbs.
- NYC square mileage: 302.6
- Grand Paris square mileage: 314.3
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kpgun wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Ok, but what if I told you there are 4.1 million daily rider in the Parisian system and only 2.4 in the NY one? How does that compare now?
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kpblw wrote
Reply to comment by doughie in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
But it's not true though... Daily ridership in Paris is 4.1 million and NY is 2.4 million...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kp8ss wrote
Reply to comment by Edwunclerthe3rd in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Try to tell that to the La défense neighborhood...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kp4f2 wrote
Reply to comment by Capadvantagetutoring in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
You guys have to stop comparisons the whole NY subway system to the one INSIDE Paris. The Parisian system is as wide, if not wider, than the NY one. Or compare it to Manhattan only...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kow1y wrote
Reply to comment by volkommm in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Again, wrong. I mean, that's barely true if you only count the subway system inside Paris, which would compare to the weekly ridership of the NY subway in Manhattan only. The RER system that goes in the suburbs is as wide as the subway lines in BK, Queens and Bronx.
Ok, facts now:
- Daily ridership of Paris subway system: 4.1 million a day
- Daily ridership of NY subway system: 2.4 million a day
You have to stop repeating these "facts" you heard without checking sources...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7kiici wrote
Reply to comment by volkommm in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
(actual facts and prices at the bottom) You're so wrong, and I'm tired of people spreading misinformation, please scroll down to compare actual prices. But I assume you're saying that from the US having not experienced the Parisian subway system for example. You're comparing single ride tickets. This is for tourists, and they're still lower, but do you know that weekly and monthly passes are SIGNIFICANTLY lower to advantage residents? Like, you get an actual discount for getting a weekly or monthly pass where in NY it's basically the regular price of 2 rides a day (at the price of the NY unlimited MetroCard you get about 46 rides at regular price, basically 2 commutes a day for 23 days AKA the number of business days in a month...)
But let's actually compare the facts:
- NY single ride: $2.75
- NY monthly pass: $127
- Paris single ride: 2.10€
- Paris navigo monthly pass: 84,10€ (all zones including suburbs) and it can go as low as 72.90€ if you only go two zones. Oh, and you can choose to buy it annually which make sit only 77€ a month.
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7ka6x3 wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
I'm waiting for the stupid comments that end up popping up when you compare NY transit construction to Europe AKA NY subway is so old, NY subway is 24/7, and the one that never gets old, NY subway is really hard because of the bedrock in Manhattan and the skyscrapers.
I forgot there were no tall buildings in Paris, no deep river, no catacombs making the ground under it like swiss cheese and the subway wasn't over 100 years old... /S Yet somehow Paris can complete full subway line 10x faster for a fraction of the price, and it's nicer...
The only one I'll foncede it's that NY subway system is 24/7. Nobody prevents them to close it from 1am to 5am like the Parisian one during construction though you know...
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j4647f5 wrote
Reply to comment by bat_in_the_stacks in Rep. George Santos says he'll resign if 142,000 people ask him to by esporx
It wouldn't surprise me if they were fake too.
youcantfindoutwhoiam OP t1_izus2xk wrote
Reply to comment by DryGumby in You did it /r/NYC by youcantfindoutwhoiam
I didn't report it. Not my job...
youcantfindoutwhoiam OP t1_iztrz7b wrote
Reply to comment by I_Am_The_Professor in You did it /r/NYC by youcantfindoutwhoiam
I meant packed in places where you don't see tourists. Like the supermarket and the gym. And here, the self-designed parking spots.
youcantfindoutwhoiam OP t1_iztksba wrote
Reply to comment by dadefresh in You did it /r/NYC by youcantfindoutwhoiam
I guess it was just clear the last 3 weeks then. The city has been packed as hell lately though.
youcantfindoutwhoiam t1_j7l9dkt wrote
Reply to comment by volkommm in MTA spent twice as much on Second Ave subway consultants as it did on its construction by NYY657545
Are you saying Transilien is light rail. If anything it's the biggest rail of all 😂 There's a bit of tram yes, but most of the Transilien network is old rail.