
youngintegrator t1_j61dfqk wrote

Is there any reason you'd like a contrastive algorithm? (intra-class discrimination?)

Barlow twins showed to work quite well with lower batches (32) and HSIC-SSL is a nice variant on this style of learning if you only care about clusters. Im sure simsiam is fine too (avoid BYOL for small batches).

In terms of contrastive approaches, methods that avoid any "coupling" mentioned in DCL for the negative terms will work with smaller batch sizes (contrastive estimates converge to mle assuming large noise samples). This is seen in the spectral algorithm or in align-uniform. These work because they ignore the comparing the representations from the same augmented samples. SWAV also does this by contrastive prototypes which are basically free variables which don't have gradients that conflict with any alignment goal. I think it's fair to say that algorithms with LSE transforms are less stable for small batch sizes since the gradients will be biases to randomly coupled terms. With sufficiently many terms this coupling matters less.

From what i've noticed, methods that avoid comparing the augmented views of the same base sample will require slightly more tuning to get things just right. (align + weight * diversity)


Notes: NNCLR is nicer than moco imo. VicReg is good but is a mess to finetune. I am assuming youre using a CNN and have omitted transformer and masked based algorithms.