
zebrawithflowers t1_iwin3f8 wrote

Depending on where you live in Providence, you could just walk, and take a bus home.

I live in Mount Pleasant/Elmhurst, but see people taking the 57 bus to and from the train station.


zebrawithflowers t1_iw6ljzh wrote

It's not winter here yet - cold really happens in January and February.

Key for me is something that can handle rain and is also warm.

For the coldest days, I wear an LL Bean Winter Warmer coat.

Other days I wear an LL Bean Primaloft Packaway jacket, layered with a rain jacket if it's wet.


zebrawithflowers t1_ith8hu4 wrote

Exactly. The last thing I saw with her in it showed her talking about McKee's lack of a track record in Rhode Island.

He has a hell of a track record in Rhode Island - former mayor of Cumberland, small business advocate, legitimately elected to statewide office... while Kalus made phone calls for former IL governor Rauner, scammed the government with her sketchy COVID testing business, and paid herself millions of dollars.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know how RI government works, either.


zebrawithflowers t1_itd9kqc wrote

Reply to Meetup apps? by jahvape000

Meetup has Cozy Rhody and Providence Bike Jam, among other groups. I go on group hikes with the Hike-RI and Walks and Rambles groups there as well. Poke around a bit, and you might find something that fits your interests!


zebrawithflowers t1_itcsxck wrote

All the details are available from the Secretary of State's website at https://vote.sos.ri.gov/

It'll tell you where your polling place is, and you can look at a sample ballot there as well, so you'll know what to do. You may receive a postcard with polling place information as well as a booklet with details about the candidates from the League of Women Voters.

Make sure you do some research before voting so you can pick candidates and vote on ballot questions that align with where you want to see the area/state/country to go. No candidate is perfect, but you do have a say in the matter, and this is your opportunity.

I hope this helps!


zebrawithflowers t1_islhrk3 wrote

Agreed. She moved here and jumped in the race with no understanding of how Rhode Island government works. She's got a rich spouse and is looking for a hobby. No actual interest in understanding the state at all. Rhode Island is not interchangeable with Illinois, Florida, and the other states she's looking at for inspiration, namely Georgia and Tennessee.


zebrawithflowers t1_irp0q27 wrote

Elevation of 14 North Main Street: 16 feet above sea level (source: https://whatismyelevation.com/location/41.826631,-71.40822/14-N-Main-St--Providence--RI-02903-)

Elevation of 218 Thayer Street (Starbucks): 105 feet above sea level (source: https://whatismyelevation.com/location/41.827509,-71.400768/218-Thayer-St--Providence--RI-02906-)

I've biked the tunnel. No need to pedal coming from Thayer. Whole other story in the other direction.