
zepporamone t1_iung8o0 wrote

My tone is entirely civil when noting that your takeaway from the events of the last twelve hours just sort of demonstrates that you are not fit to be a mod - let alone the only mod in a community without any posted rules or guidelines. Based on what's being written (and quickly deleted) here and elsewhere, people are less upset about their ability to speak on the specific (entirely pertinent) topic of bicycling and more concerned about the idea that one single power-tripping mod believes that they should be allowed to dictate what the community can and cannot discuss and how on the basis of their how their day is going.

You've behaved like something of a petty tyrant. You've made unilateral decisions without first either setting any reasonable/appropriate expectations or guidelines (community rules) or engaging the community for stakeholder feedback before making said decisions. When dissent has been raised in the forum (some of it obnoxious/toxic, most of it perfectly levelheaded and direct), you've responded by simply muting and/or banning members.

It's not about the issue of bikes. It's about the fact that you are not r/CambridgeMA**.** You are a mod. If this sub is meant to be an open and engaging resource for folks in and around Cambridge community to connect with each other about topics relevant to life in the city, it needs to better reflect the input of the actual users and not just be subject to the whims of one single middle-aged guy who may or may not have had a bad encounter with another single person who happened to be riding a bike.

Establish and publish rules and guidelines after allowing stakeholders/members of the community to contribute to their development in a meaningful way.

Add at least 2-3 other mods and consider turning the keys over.