
zeratul98 t1_itvpf7o wrote

You can just have parking spaces only available to people with the appropriate disability placard. Somerville is converting some of their street parking to these with the restriping projects. You don't need to give everyone parking spaces to ensure that those who actually need them get them.

It's so infuriating to me that the only time I see people on Boston/Cambridge/Somerville subs give a shit about people with disabilities is when it's an excuse to oppose reducing driving and parking.


zeratul98 t1_irbizrj wrote

If I'm making your point, then I have no idea what your point is. Your claim is that people have 0 ability to compare prices. It's definitely harder than shopping for a couch, but world's better than getting prices from a hospital


zeratul98 t1_iqsclj5 wrote

Reply to Question 2 by tahitidreams

I'm leaning towards yes, but i do have genuine reservations with this.

For one, how am I in any way qualified to decide what ratio is appropriate? Why 83% and not 80%? Or 90%? I like the idea here, but, and i know this is a more complicated ask, id like to see these things done through a mandate to a trustworthy and qualified group who sets the ratios.

Also, there is a carve out for the insurance commissioner to be able to adjust or wave the refund, but if that's not done, i imagine small insurers probably can't tolerate this law? I'm not sure how much to worry about that given that would require they have a worse loss ratio and therefore likely just be a worse plan


zeratul98 t1_iqsb3e5 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Question 2 by tahitidreams

84% of $1 is $0.84, leaving $0.16, not $0.26.

>Your low IQ is showing.

The irony

>There is no reason to support this unless you are a dentist who wants to raise their rates.

FYI, overly broad statements like this make your whole argument suspect because they show you can't be trusted to be honest and/or think