zgrizz t1_iujl5bw wrote
Reply to I enjoy new music. I assume I am of the minority in thinking that music is constantly improving, and the previous decade was the best decade of music in history. Thoughts? by TofuVic
I think you'd have a hard time convincing the larger group of people that it is "improving". But it is changing, and that is a constant going back eons. And that change tends to reflect trends popular with youth, although an argument could be made that youth automatically embraces new over old, meaning that the trend tracks in the other direction.
zgrizz t1_iuj625n wrote
Reply to Piggybacking on the "highways are terrifying" post, what kind of auto insurance rate hikes are you guys seeing this year? by colenotphil
And I'm betting you are going to reelect the party of the current insurance commissioner again.
People.just can't seem to make that cause and effect connection for some reason.
zgrizz t1_iuj5c89 wrote
Reply to We Outnumber them 1,000,000 to 1 by EvilTodd1970
Bye! Don't let the door, and all that.
Only people leaving are the children terrified of opinions that don't match theirs. No adults, anywhere, care.
zgrizz t1_iuj524p wrote
Reply to Released three unfinished products this year while raking in millions | Activision/Blizzard by [deleted]
::yawn:: written by someone who would be stomping feet and raising hell at the inexcusable delays if it wasn't released.
Blizz knows it cant win, so it stopped caring.
zgrizz t1_iuek1qd wrote
zgrizz OP t1_iua5tc4 wrote
Reply to If you had tickets to Paracon 2022 at Mohegan and aren't there yet, don't bother. by zgrizz
Oops, that was just one line. Now a giant line for the 'museum' they upcharged for.
::sigh:: lesson learned.
zgrizz OP t1_iua5c78 wrote
Reply to If you had tickets to Paracon 2022 at Mohegan and aren't there yet, don't bother. by zgrizz
Credit where it's due, sort of.
It took 2 hours. I've spent much less time at Disney, and got more for my money. But, happy wife happy life.
zgrizz t1_iu6rt45 wrote
Reply to Ted Koppel, 1980. Nightline started as a daily update during the Iran hostage crisis. In the decades after Walter Cronkite retired, Koppel continued the practice of thorough, factual reporting. by L0st_in_the_Stars
Koppel wasn't bad, but he was no Cronkite. He allowed the opinions of the network executives to influence his reporting, something, as far as anyone has ever been able to tell, Walter never allowed.
zgrizz t1_iu42026 wrote
There is no God but Internal Combustion, and 3.7L is his name.
zgrizz t1_iu1xes9 wrote
Reply to Aquarion a subsidiary of eversource recently aquired my towns public water. I am the only person still furious about this corporations absurd monopoly in CT? by writingonthefall
Your sole option is to replace the people in power who allow this to continue.
If you don't demand a change at the ballot box you have absolutely no cause to complain.
Remember In November - ABD. Anybody But Democrats.
zgrizz t1_itz0xn1 wrote
Also in the mix, many of these people have obtained their own real estate licenses, and are able to broker their own transactions, making them much more profitable.
zgrizz t1_itsi366 wrote
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Even though this state is so stupid they keep electing the same party over and over, all while the economy and every benchmark of successful living continue to spiral down the toilet, I will be able to hold my head straight and say "Don't blame me"
zgrizz t1_it3n6yu wrote
Reply to Debates canceled ? by AggravatingShop4649
Just a chicken. Likes to lie about being a big man - Stolen Valor and all.
zgrizz t1_iszau8r wrote
She argues a politically driven 'maybe', he argues facts.
People who don't vote for facts get what they deserve.
"Hayes, seeking her third term, said Logan, a former state senator, would join a conservative caucus with plans to further curtail women's reproductive rights and threaten Social Security and Medicare. She worked to portray him as someone from outside the district who was ousted from the state legislature after two terms and is now the recipient of millions of dollars in advertising from conservative leaders.
Logan focused on the economy and inflation.
"Connecticut's economy is shrinking under the Biden-Harris administration," Logan said. "Connecticut's personal income growth: worst in the nation. We can do better, but we won't under the current administration.""
zgrizz t1_isa8xzh wrote
Even less surprising, the people for it are all Dems.
Haven't they destroyed enough yet?
zgrizz t1_ivhobt2 wrote
Reply to Anyone else get political spam messages like this by Zerox19a
They carved out an exception for themselves in junk call/junk text laws.
I've never understood why they think I would reward then with a vote after they intentionally ignore my Do Not Call list status. Seems pretty ignorant.